
LED ディスプレイのエネルギーを節約する方法 1. 環境に優しい材料で作られた LED ディスプレイ画面を選択します。特殊な加工技術により、接着剤を充填せずにスクリーン本体に防水・防塵・UV耐性を持たせることができます。一般的なプロセスで生産される製品と比較して、消耗品が少なく、環境に優しいです。2. 39mmの超薄型ボディで、従来のスモールピッチ製品に比べて厚みを40 %削減し、スクリーンを壁に置き、スクリーン壁を一体化。明るさ調整装置を設計します。使用場面の明るさは気象条件によって異なります。 […]

LED ビデオ ウォール: 屋内および屋外広告用の高品質、耐候性ディスプレイ |チェンセ

WHAT ARE LED VIDEO WALLS ?        LED Video wall popularity has grown exponentially in recent years because of the seamless delivery of quality video on a platform. CHENKSE is leading the charge with the highest quality display solutions that have been installed around the world. Our LED Screen panels combine perfectly to offer a variety of resolution options for both indoor and outdoor applications.CHENKSE LED Walls have taken center stage at many popular concerts. We offer a wide variety of award – winning LED displays that are seamless, providing clear and detailed imaging. Our solution have density ranging from 0.9 to 16mm in indoor, outdoor, curable and […]


How to choose the right LED Display screens​      In recent years, we have used LED display screens in various fields such as indication, display, decoration, backlight, general lighting and urban night scenes.    There are indoor LED screens, outdoor LED screens, commercial advertising LED screens,  creative LED screens, stadium LED screens, floor tile LED screens, etc. However, do you know how to choose a right LED display screens for your business?Different companies have different sales strategies. Some companies focus on price wars. Materials, performance, and quality are often unsatisfactory. Don’t be greedy for cheap, buy some low-quality and substandard products, and regret it.So how can consumers choose a right LED display with in the […]

ファイン ピクセル ピッチ LED ディスプレイ: 2021 年の 4K HD ビデオ ウォールの利点とテクノロジーを探る

Fine Pixel Pitch LED Display: 4K HD Video Wall 2021Fine Pixel Pitch LED Display: 4K HD Video Wall 2021In the list of the variety of LED displays available in the market, we may confuse about what is more effective and beneficial for our business. However, understanding the different types of LED displays and their different uses can highly affect the promotional increase or decrease. Besides, the world has advance that a single advertising option isn’t enough to attract enough customers to your business/product. So whether it’s online advertising, print media advertising, or signage advertising, everyone’s opting for more than one option.Each of advertising methods have their effectiveness and outcome that […]





On July 1st, Foshan New City Century Lotus Square and Liad Lighting & Li & Fung Culture & Liad Wisdom Show, people did hand in hand a perfect visual feast for Foshan citizens to celebrate the 99th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China! This was the first phase of the night economic supporting project in the Shunde area of Sanlong Bay. The project area was located in the core area of Foshan New City, China. It integrated culture and technology perfectly and displays Foshan’s local cultural characteristics. Waiting for the appearance of a new image of Ambilight! The lights of Foshan New Town was shining brightly and […]


高品質の LED ディスプレイの差別化解像度ピクセル ピッチが小さいということは、ピクセル間の空きスペースが少なくなることを意味します。これは、より高いピクセル密度と改善された画面解像度に相当します。一方、ピクセル ピッチが小さくなると、一般に解像度が高くなりますが、コストが高くなります。 明るさ LED ディスプレイの明るさは、LED ダイの品質によってのみ決まります。屋内フルカラースクリーンの輝度は700cd/m²以上です。屋外ディスプレイには日光があり、視聴距離が長いため、その明るさは 5000cd/m² 以上が必要です。視野角LED スクリーンの用途に応じて、特定の位置または別の位置で見る必要があるため、 […]


International Signs & LED Exhibition (ISLE) 2020ISLE 2020 は、展示面積 160,000 ㎡ の深セン世界展示会議センター (Shenzhen World) で開催されます。 4 日間のイベントでは、2,000 を超える出展者のスクリーン ディスプレイ テクノロジー、オーディオビジュアル統合システム、LED およびサイネージがデモンストレーションされ、世界中のバイヤーに臨場感あふれる体験をもたらします。2020 年の展示会のハイライトは、それぞれ 6 つのセグメント化された展示エリアの紹介です。さまざまなビジネス シナリオに対応したディスプレイ ソリューションを提供します: スマート シティ、新しい小売店、スマート キャンパス、パン エンターテイメント、博物館とデジタル シネマ、セキュリティと情報フロー。展示期間: 2020 年 8 月 31 日から 9 月 3 日まで住所: 深セン国際会議展示センター中国(福永新ホール)ブース番号:ホール […]



How to choose outdoor LED display accordingToday, outdoor LED displays occupy a dominant position in the advertising field. According to the different needs of each project, for example, there will be different trade-offs in the selection of pixels, resolution, price, playback content, display life, and front or rear maintenance. Of course,  we must concern the load-bearing capacity of the installation site, the brightness around the installation site, the viewing distance and viewing angle of the audience, the weather and climatic conditions of the installation site. Furthermore, we need to consider whether it is rainproof, whether it is a ventilated environment or not, etc. So how to purchase LED displays? Here […]


Why choose energy-saving LED screensAs the main method of new media communication, display screens have developed rapidly in recent years, especially LED display screens. Many outdoor large screens now use LED displays. The main reason is that compared with LCD displays, LEDs are more energy-efficient. Besides, LED displays have a longer service life and can achieve seamless splicing. Because of this, LED displays have gradually replaced LCD displays, it has become the mainstream of the market.Common cathode is an energy-saving technology for LED displays. It separates the red, green, and blue lamp beads of the display, and then accurately powers it. Its current passes through the lamp beads and then […]


Outdoor LED ScreenWhat is an outdoor LED Display ?The outdoor LED screen is a special luminous device that is spreading more and more around the cities. It is innovative and high-tech means of digital communication, helping to catch audiences and passersby. Further, the LED display is formed by three – color LEDs, the so-called RGB (red, green and blue) , to play any type of static or moving picture.The outdoor LED Displays offers a fantastic way to advertise or display any content outdoors. With its high brightness specification, the LED screen delivers a fantastic image to these audiences. And it serves for your brand, product or service in a passive […]


Indoor Fixed LED Display InstallationNow the installation of Indoor LED displays, whether indoors or outdoors, is moving in the direction of “simplification”. The front maintenance LED display of P4 can be installed and removed from the front for easy maintenance. The editor will introduce P4 for you in detail. P4 front maintenance module installation and removal steps.LED display installation steps before P4.811. First screw the magnets on the four corners of the P4.81 module respectively Maintenance and installation steps before P4  -12. Plug in the power supply separatelyMaintenance and installation steps 2 before P4   -23. Align the magnet on the back of the module with the magnet hole on the box and install […]

4K LEDディスプレイ:究極のガイド

4K LED Display: The Ultimate Guide What is 4K LED Display? 4K LED display to put simply, A display device that is capable of displaying images and videos at 4K resolution. But what is 4k resolution exactly? Let’s find out.TV, movie, mobile and LED display use 4K resolution predominantly today. A 3840 × 2160 resolution is now the standard in television and 4096 × 2160 resolution (which is called DCI 4K) is the standard in cinemas.Not all 4K display screens use real 4K technology. There are actually quite a bit of difference in several types of 4K display screens. There is what you call the 4K2K@30Hz, 4K2K@60Hz and 4K1K. Here’s how they differ:4K2K@30Hz – this type of resolution is done […]


What Is LED?LED is short for Light Emitting Diode. An LED emits light as a result of electric luminescence. It is also known as “cold light” as, unlike with old-fashioned incandescent bulbs, the light is not produced by heating a metal filament. The diode, on the other hand, emits light when flowing through two specially coated silicon semiconductors. It is one of the most energy-efficient and power-saving ways to produce light.An LED consists of solid materials without movable parts and is often moulded into transparent plastic. This ensures high durability. When an LED is on, it emits almost zero heat. This reduces the problem of cooling the electronic parts.The first […]


Chenkse では楽しいことばかりで、仕事はありませんでした。私たちは皆、非常にストレスの多い生活を送っています。仕事のプレッシャー、家族のプレッシャー、経済的ストレス、さらにはストレスを受けることによるストレス。遅かれ早かれ、この過度のストレスは私たちの生活のさまざまな側面に現れ始めます。私たちはいつも疲れていて気分が落ち込みます。私たちは家庭に喜びを感じられず、仕事のパフォーマンスも低下し続けています。Chenkse は、世界最大の LED ディスプレイおよび照明メーカーの 1 つであり、生活のストレスや仕事のプレッシャーを理解しています。Chenkse は、古いことわざ「すべて仕事」を信じています。そしてどんな遊びもジョニーを鈍い少年にしてしまう。」だからこそ、私たちはジャニーズやジャニスに感染させないのです […]
